In this chapter, we are introduced to the protagonist, a young man named Lin. He is a member of the elite Quingshui society, and he has been studying medicine for many years. He wants to be a doctor, but he is afraid that he will not be able to provide for his family. He also wants to become a teacher, but his fear is so great that he does not want to go to school at all. Instead, he wants to stay at home and practice medicine. He tells his friend that he has come to practice medicine at the Shaolin Temple, but when he asks his friend what he is doing there, the friend tells him that he is in the middle of a conversation with a man named Lu, who is a well-known qigong master. Lin asks Lin if he knows the man, and Lin tells him he does. Lin then tells Lin that the man is named Lu Zhenbai, a famous qigong practitioner. Lin wants to know why Lin does not kneel before him and say sorry, but Lin says that Lin is a liar. Lin tells Lin to grab Lin's hand and run away, because Lin is the master of the qigong masters. Lin says he has prepared a car to take Lin to the school.
In this chapter, we are introduced to the protagonist, a young man named Lin. He is a member of the elite Quingshui society, and he has been studying medicine for many years. He wants to be a doctor, but he is afraid that he will not be able to provide for his family. He also wants to become a teacher, but his fear is so great that he does not want to go to school at all. Instead, he wants to stay at home and practice medicine. He tells his friend that he has come to practice medicine at the Shaolin Temple, but when he asks his friend what he is doing there, the friend tells him that he is in the middle of a conversation with a man named Lu, who is a well-known qigong master. Lin asks Lin if he knows the man, and Lin tells him he does. Lin then tells Lin that the man is named Lu Zhenbai, a famous qigong practitioner. Lin wants to know why Lin does not kneel before him and say sorry, but Lin says that Lin is a liar. Lin tells Lin to grab Lin's hand and run away, because Lin is the master of the qigong masters. Lin says he has prepared a car to take Lin to the school.