Your Husband Is Mine. ~Wet Penetration at the Midnight Salon~ • Chapter 34 • Page ik-page-4155965
Chapter 34
This is a locked chapterChapter 34
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the night before, when the narrator was at the salon with her husband. She tells the story of how she was "squished" by her husband's "penetration" and how she has been using her body for the purpose of revenge. She asks her mother to come and get her, but her mother has already left. The narrator tells her that the neighbors are "tormenting" her, and that she should try calling her mother. When she finally does call her mother, however, she finds that her son is crying in the salon and that his mother has left him crying there to be with someone. She rushes home to pick him up, but she is interrupted by the sound of a knock at the door. She apologizes to her husband for interrupting their conversation, but he is so sorry that he does not want to talk to her alone. He asks her why she is so chipper, and she tells him that he is her son's father. She says that he told her that he wanted to help the friends of his friends, but that he was cut off from them by his neighbors
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Your Husband Is Mine. ~Wet Penetration at the Midnight Salon~ • Chapter 34 • Page ik-page-4155965
Chapter 34
This is a locked chapterChapter 34
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the night before, when the narrator was at the salon with her husband. She tells the story of how she was "squished" by her husband's "penetration" and how she has been using her body for the purpose of revenge. She asks her mother to come and get her, but her mother has already left. The narrator tells her that the neighbors are "tormenting" her, and that she should try calling her mother. When she finally does call her mother, however, she finds that her son is crying in the salon and that his mother has left him crying there to be with someone. She rushes home to pick him up, but she is interrupted by the sound of a knock at the door. She apologizes to her husband for interrupting their conversation, but he is so sorry that he does not want to talk to her alone. He asks her why she is so chipper, and she tells him that he is her son's father. She says that he told her that he wanted to help the friends of his friends, but that he was cut off from them by his neighbors
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