At 35, It’s Too Late for Love • Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4221946
Chapter 35
This is a locked chapterChapter 35
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the narrator laments the fact that it is too late for her to find a man worthy of her love. She tells the reader that she is "squeezed with no special" , but that she has "thick his body , pecs, warmth , the broad back , repeated movements of his muscles . . and the "heat that enters" . She is convinced that he has "even more special kiss" than any kiss she has ever had before. The narrator is sorry that he and his fiancee have lost their love, but he says that he is sorry for the two of them. He tells us that he had a "shotgun wedding" and that his "maternity leave" is coming up in a month's time. He is sorry to hear that his fiancee is single like him, but says that they both have not liked change. He says that you should "separate business from relation your relationships" until you "ones that get your share" end up being "nerve's word" in dragged on.
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At 35, It’s Too Late for Love • Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4221946
Chapter 35
This is a locked chapterChapter 35
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the narrator laments the fact that it is too late for her to find a man worthy of her love. She tells the reader that she is "squeezed with no special" , but that she has "thick his body , pecs, warmth , the broad back , repeated movements of his muscles . . and the "heat that enters" . She is convinced that he has "even more special kiss" than any kiss she has ever had before. The narrator is sorry that he and his fiancee have lost their love, but he says that he is sorry for the two of them. He tells us that he had a "shotgun wedding" and that his "maternity leave" is coming up in a month's time. He is sorry to hear that his fiancee is single like him, but says that they both have not liked change. He says that you should "separate business from relation your relationships" until you "ones that get your share" end up being "nerve's word" in dragged on.
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