At 35, It’s Too Late for Love • Chapter 54 • Page ik-page-4583196
Chapter 54
This is a locked chapterChapter 54
About This Chapter
It's been a while since the last time we saw each other, and now it's time for us to get back together. We're not sure why, but we're guessing that it was because he's so busy at work that he didn't have time to catch up with his crush. The two of them reminisce about how much they love each other and how they'd rather spend their time together than have sex with someone they don't like. They're both bummed out that they can't see each other right now because of work, but they're also happy that they'll be able to spend time together soon.
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At 35, It’s Too Late for Love • Chapter 54 • Page ik-page-4583196
Chapter 54
This is a locked chapterChapter 54
About This Chapter
It's been a while since the last time we saw each other, and now it's time for us to get back together. We're not sure why, but we're guessing that it was because he's so busy at work that he didn't have time to catch up with his crush. The two of them reminisce about how much they love each other and how they'd rather spend their time together than have sex with someone they don't like. They're both bummed out that they can't see each other right now because of work, but they're also happy that they'll be able to spend time together soon.
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