The next morning, the three of them go to the marketplace to buy some new clothes for freesia. While they're there, the narrator tells us that he's been thinking a lot about what he can do with his newfound power. He wants to use it to seal off the magic tools that belong to the warrior and return the freedom of the warrior to the dell crade. He's also thinking about how to do this without the use of the demon's power. The narrator says that he always believed that the demon would figure out a way to use his power. Now that the dell'crade knows that there is a demon, the association is going to have to do something about it. He says that even if the warriors don't attack the demon, they should use some "underhanded method" to get rid of him. He adds that even though it's not everyone's idea of a good way to do things, he'll try to do his best. He apologizes to freesia for being so late. She apologizes that dinner was a failure. She says that she'll make up for it by making some good steamed vegetables instead of just the usual cream sauce.
The next morning, the three of them go to the marketplace to buy some new clothes for freesia. While they're there, the narrator tells us that he's been thinking a lot about what he can do with his newfound power. He wants to use it to seal off the magic tools that belong to the warrior and return the freedom of the warrior to the dell crade. He's also thinking about how to do this without the use of the demon's power. The narrator says that he always believed that the demon would figure out a way to use his power. Now that the dell'crade knows that there is a demon, the association is going to have to do something about it. He says that even if the warriors don't attack the demon, they should use some "underhanded method" to get rid of him. He adds that even though it's not everyone's idea of a good way to do things, he'll try to do his best. He apologizes to freesia for being so late. She apologizes that dinner was a failure. She says that she'll make up for it by making some good steamed vegetables instead of just the usual cream sauce.