This chapter's epigraph comes from a famous speech by the father of the protagonist. He tells his son-in-law, the leader of the Asura Emperor sect, that if he doesn't agree with him, there's only one way out of the problem: he's going to kill him. This is a famous line from Shakespeare's play Hamlet, in which Hamlet says that if you don't like what you're doing, you can't do anything about it. Hamlet's father replies by saying that the only way to get rid of a problem is to kill the person who's trying to kill you. He's referring to the fact that there are only three levels of Heaven in the Emperor King realm, and each level has its own battle strength. Hamlet says he has reached the third level of heaven, which is the highest heaven in the realm of the king. The black demon pestle belongs to the emperor sect, and Hamlet says it's kind of fascinating that it can be used to kill people even if they're not sure that they want to kill them. Hamlet asks his father if he really believes that he deserves his daughter, and the father replies that he does. He also says that he
This chapter's epigraph comes from a famous speech by the father of the protagonist. He tells his son-in-law, the leader of the Asura Emperor sect, that if he doesn't agree with him, there's only one way out of the problem: he's going to kill him. This is a famous line from Shakespeare's play Hamlet, in which Hamlet says that if you don't like what you're doing, you can't do anything about it. Hamlet's father replies by saying that the only way to get rid of a problem is to kill the person who's trying to kill you. He's referring to the fact that there are only three levels of Heaven in the Emperor King realm, and each level has its own battle strength. Hamlet says he has reached the third level of heaven, which is the highest heaven in the realm of the king. The black demon pestle belongs to the emperor sect, and Hamlet says it's kind of fascinating that it can be used to kill people even if they're not sure that they want to kill them. Hamlet asks his father if he really believes that he deserves his daughter, and the father replies that he does. He also says that he