The city lord tells Lin that the sect is planning to go through the world-penetration gate. He wants to see how Linyue is despised outside the gate. Linyue has left the outer galaxy, and the city lord wants to know why he didn't tell him when he left the galaxy's outer boundary. He thinks that Linyue doesn't know a secret, and that's why he's not telling him. He's bored, and he wants to go back to the inner galaxy, where the other members of the sect are more powerful. He tells Lin to prepare to die, because the one who's closest to him is the "grand patronus" . Lin says that he'll ask his mother if she wants the full story, and she'll realize how wrong he is.
The city lord tells Lin that the sect is planning to go through the world-penetration gate. He wants to see how Linyue is despised outside the gate. Linyue has left the outer galaxy, and the city lord wants to know why he didn't tell him when he left the galaxy's outer boundary. He thinks that Linyue doesn't know a secret, and that's why he's not telling him. He's bored, and he wants to go back to the inner galaxy, where the other members of the sect are more powerful. He tells Lin to prepare to die, because the one who's closest to him is the "grand patronus" . Lin says that he'll ask his mother if she wants the full story, and she'll realize how wrong he is.