The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 174 • Page ik-page-4778957
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 174 • Page ik-page-4778958
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 174 • Page ik-page-4778959
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 174 • Page ik-page-4778960
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 174 • Page ik-page-4778961
Chapter 174
This is a locked chapterChapter 174
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that chang kong is two levels above his opponent , and that he wants to finish the match in one blow. He wants to teach the other two brothers how to be men. The three brothers decide to go to the gambling yard together, and lin tells them that he hopes they will have enough money to keep the gambling house going. lin says that he is from the city of Dong, and he knows that he cannot compare to xinxiaoan in appearance, but his skills are better. He asks lin to give him some time to think about it. . clan master, qian, has just lost 300 billion yuan in gambling with one man. He says that this is a big deal, and asks for lin's help. The young master tells him that something big is about to happen, and it is not good. He tells lin that clan master has lost 300 bn in gambling, and the young master says that it is because of one idiot. He adds that he has already given lin two hundred bn, but it is still not enough to keep up with the gambling. The sect master is finished greeting lin, and says that lin looks like he is not from the heavenly emperor.
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The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 174 • Page ik-page-4778957
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 174 • Page ik-page-4778958
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 174 • Page ik-page-4778959
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 174 • Page ik-page-4778960
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 174 • Page ik-page-4778961
Chapter 174
This is a locked chapterChapter 174
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that chang kong is two levels above his opponent , and that he wants to finish the match in one blow. He wants to teach the other two brothers how to be men. The three brothers decide to go to the gambling yard together, and lin tells them that he hopes they will have enough money to keep the gambling house going. lin says that he is from the city of Dong, and he knows that he cannot compare to xinxiaoan in appearance, but his skills are better. He asks lin to give him some time to think about it. . clan master, qian, has just lost 300 billion yuan in gambling with one man. He says that this is a big deal, and asks for lin's help. The young master tells him that something big is about to happen, and it is not good. He tells lin that clan master has lost 300 bn in gambling, and the young master says that it is because of one idiot. He adds that he has already given lin two hundred bn, but it is still not enough to keep up with the gambling. The sect master is finished greeting lin, and says that lin looks like he is not from the heavenly emperor.
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