The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4778973
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4778974
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4778975
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4778976
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4778977
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4778978
Chapter 173
This is a locked chapterChapter 173
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the two main characters in the story are the "ancient" and the "new" , and that they have different identities. The old character is called "Yon Ming," and the new character is named "Xiao Yanyan." We learn that both of them are from the core of the earth, but that the old one is stronger than the new one. We also learn that they are both from the same clan, which means that they must be related to each other by birth. This means that the older one must be a member of the old clan, while the younger one must belong to the new clan. The older one has the upper hand in the battle, because he is the leader of the clan.
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The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4778973
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4778974
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4778975
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4778976
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4778977
The Time of Rebirth • Chapter 173 • Page ik-page-4778978
Chapter 173
This is a locked chapterChapter 173
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the two main characters in the story are the "ancient" and the "new" , and that they have different identities. The old character is called "Yon Ming," and the new character is named "Xiao Yanyan." We learn that both of them are from the core of the earth, but that the old one is stronger than the new one. We also learn that they are both from the same clan, which means that they must be related to each other by birth. This means that the older one must be a member of the old clan, while the younger one must belong to the new clan. The older one has the upper hand in the battle, because he is the leader of the clan.
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