The next morning, the young master and his wife enter the house. The young master asks the wife why she moved to the villa two years ago. She replies that she wanted to go to work when she lived there. The old master says that it's been two years since her last stay at the villa, and he doesn't understand why she would want to return. He tells her to ring him the next time she wants to speak, but she won't listen to him. He says that he'll be free tonight, but he's going to hang up the phone
The next morning, the young master and his wife enter the house. The young master asks the wife why she moved to the villa two years ago. She replies that she wanted to go to work when she lived there. The old master says that it's been two years since her last stay at the villa, and he doesn't understand why she would want to return. He tells her to ring him the next time she wants to speak, but she won't listen to him. He says that he'll be free tonight, but he's going to hang up the phone