The Expensive Ex-wife of a Wealthy Family • Chapter 366 • Page ik-page-4949676
Chapter 366
This is a locked chapterChapter 366
About This Chapter
Before going to college, the narrator says, he was thankful to have his parents by his side. He says that his life was wonderful before going to school, and that his father was not addicted to gambling. Now, things seem to have changed, and he wants to know what happened to him. He asks her why she suddenly feels this way, and she says that she was just emotional. She tells him that she used her most painful memories of the kidnap to get her father to speak, but he still did not say anything about the kidnap. The narrator says that he will be there soon. He tells her that a friend told him about a designer named "jian mo" and asks her if she has a chance to meet him. She replies that she has bought a place and plans to build a house in the suburb. She asks if she can see the section of the house and her design philosophy. She says she has time to spare, and if she does not mind, she will send her back later. She promises to present the house to her husband as a gift.
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The Expensive Ex-wife of a Wealthy Family • Chapter 366 • Page ik-page-4949676
Chapter 366
This is a locked chapterChapter 366
About This Chapter
Before going to college, the narrator says, he was thankful to have his parents by his side. He says that his life was wonderful before going to school, and that his father was not addicted to gambling. Now, things seem to have changed, and he wants to know what happened to him. He asks her why she suddenly feels this way, and she says that she was just emotional. She tells him that she used her most painful memories of the kidnap to get her father to speak, but he still did not say anything about the kidnap. The narrator says that he will be there soon. He tells her that a friend told him about a designer named "jian mo" and asks her if she has a chance to meet him. She replies that she has bought a place and plans to build a house in the suburb. She asks if she can see the section of the house and her design philosophy. She says she has time to spare, and if she does not mind, she will send her back later. She promises to present the house to her husband as a gift.
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