The Expensive Ex-wife of a Wealthy Family • Chapter 78 • Page ik-page-3640363
Chapter 78
This is a locked chapterChapter 78
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that Miss Jian's mother has found a suitable donor for her daughter's heart. The donor has asked for a large sum of money to pay for the surgery, and the total fee is about 2 million. Young Master Chen is angry, because he married Miss Jian because she said that she was materialistic, and that she needed money. He did not investigate her past life, and he did not know that her mother had been in the hospital for 2 years for heart disease. He thinks that he should inform the hospital, but instead, he arranges to meet with the director of the hospital at 6pm. The director introduces Miss Jian to the emperor, and young Master Chen expresses his gratitude to him. He says that he has to give Miss Jian up because she belongs to Gui Beichen now, and since he has so many influence in Luo city, he will have to irritate him.
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The Expensive Ex-wife of a Wealthy Family • Chapter 78 • Page ik-page-3640363
Chapter 78
This is a locked chapterChapter 78
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that Miss Jian's mother has found a suitable donor for her daughter's heart. The donor has asked for a large sum of money to pay for the surgery, and the total fee is about 2 million. Young Master Chen is angry, because he married Miss Jian because she said that she was materialistic, and that she needed money. He did not investigate her past life, and he did not know that her mother had been in the hospital for 2 years for heart disease. He thinks that he should inform the hospital, but instead, he arranges to meet with the director of the hospital at 6pm. The director introduces Miss Jian to the emperor, and young Master Chen expresses his gratitude to him. He says that he has to give Miss Jian up because she belongs to Gui Beichen now, and since he has so many influence in Luo city, he will have to irritate him.
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