The next day, the two quarrel over who saved Lingzi's life. Lingzi blames the Panda for saving her life, but the Panda points out that it was the Panda who saved the life of Lingzi herself. The Panda reminds the couple that the marriage between Lingzi and the Panda will be a binding event. The two argue about the importance of power in the afterlife, but Lingzi insists that she will not give up on her quest to be the most powerful person in the world.
The next day, the two quarrel over who saved Lingzi's life. Lingzi blames the Panda for saving her life, but the Panda points out that it was the Panda who saved the life of Lingzi herself. The Panda reminds the couple that the marriage between Lingzi and the Panda will be a binding event. The two argue about the importance of power in the afterlife, but Lingzi insists that she will not give up on her quest to be the most powerful person in the world.