The next morning, the young master tells the old master that he has found the whereabouts of the goddess of life, and that she is with someone else. The old master tells him that the new lord of the world, ye chen, was once the godhead of the ancient city of feng-zhou, which was destroyed by the god of heaven. The new lord, he says, is the successor to the ancient temple, and he is also the one who broke the temple's godhead
The next morning, the young master tells the old master that he has found the whereabouts of the goddess of life, and that she is with someone else. The old master tells him that the new lord of the world, ye chen, was once the godhead of the ancient city of feng-zhou, which was destroyed by the god of heaven. The new lord, he says, is the successor to the ancient temple, and he is also the one who broke the temple's godhead