In this short scene, Hirohito and his band of fighters engage in a verbal sparring match. The two men argue about whether or not they should have a duel while holding onto the hostages. The fighters agree that they should duel, but they are not going to fight together. They are going to take turns fighting against each other. The first fighter is Fatty, the leader of the band. He tells the other fighters that they are all "shameful losers" and that he won't fight until they let go of him and his gang. The second fighter is Hiroji Inoue, a high-ranking member of the group. He asks the others to tell him their names so that he can kill them.
In this short scene, Hirohito and his band of fighters engage in a verbal sparring match. The two men argue about whether or not they should have a duel while holding onto the hostages. The fighters agree that they should duel, but they are not going to fight together. They are going to take turns fighting against each other. The first fighter is Fatty, the leader of the band. He tells the other fighters that they are all "shameful losers" and that he won't fight until they let go of him and his gang. The second fighter is Hiroji Inoue, a high-ranking member of the group. He asks the others to tell him their names so that he can kill them.