Springtime by the Window

Springtime by the Window • Vol.2 Chapter 40: Someone Special • Page ik-page-2410266
Vol.2 Chapter 40: Someone Special
This is a locked chapterVol.2 Chapter 40: Someone Special
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the beginning of the novel, when the narrator is in the middle of a conversation with the Governess. The Governess asks the narrator what is going on, and the narrator tells her that he has lost his mind and that his hair is "a mess" . She asks him if he is okay, and he says that he hasn't been acting like that in "forever his legs" , and that he ran on "a whim" because someone "special hurt" his legs. She tells him that she has been worried about him lately, and she asks him to go to the karaoke bar. The narrator says that everyone on earth loves him, but that he is "just one of many," and he wants to get back to her.
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Springtime by the Window

Springtime by the Window • Vol.2 Chapter 40: Someone Special • Page ik-page-2410266
Vol.2 Chapter 40: Someone Special
This is a locked chapterVol.2 Chapter 40: Someone Special
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the beginning of the novel, when the narrator is in the middle of a conversation with the Governess. The Governess asks the narrator what is going on, and the narrator tells her that he has lost his mind and that his hair is "a mess" . She asks him if he is okay, and he says that he hasn't been acting like that in "forever his legs" , and that he ran on "a whim" because someone "special hurt" his legs. She tells him that she has been worried about him lately, and she asks him to go to the karaoke bar. The narrator says that everyone on earth loves him, but that he is "just one of many," and he wants to get back to her.
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