Springtime by the Window

Springtime by the Window • Vol.2 Chapter 32: I Shouldn't Have Fallen for Him • Page ik-page-2410212
Vol.2 Chapter 32: I Shouldn't Have Fallen for Him
This is a locked chapterVol.2 Chapter 32: I Shouldn't Have Fallen for Him
About This Chapter
The narrator is on his way to the fair when he runs into a guy who looks like he's lost his mind. The guy tells him that he was invited to go with him, but he turned him down. The narrator tells the guy that he should have told him the whole story, because he has "terrible taste in guys" . The dude is so upset that he starts to cry, and the narrator tells him to shut up. He's so upset, in fact, that the guy starts to give him a hug, which the narrator doesn't like at all. He tells the dude that he'll be back next year, and that he hopes the guy he likes will come with him.
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Springtime by the Window

Springtime by the Window • Vol.2 Chapter 32: I Shouldn't Have Fallen for Him • Page ik-page-2410212
Vol.2 Chapter 32: I Shouldn't Have Fallen for Him
This is a locked chapterVol.2 Chapter 32: I Shouldn't Have Fallen for Him
About This Chapter
The narrator is on his way to the fair when he runs into a guy who looks like he's lost his mind. The guy tells him that he was invited to go with him, but he turned him down. The narrator tells the guy that he should have told him the whole story, because he has "terrible taste in guys" . The dude is so upset that he starts to cry, and the narrator tells him to shut up. He's so upset, in fact, that the guy starts to give him a hug, which the narrator doesn't like at all. He tells the dude that he'll be back next year, and that he hopes the guy he likes will come with him.
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