Now that the emperor hates Yu's father, he's going to hate Yu even more. He's also going to be even more cruel to him when he learns that his mother has died because of the way she looked at him when they were at the pagoda. So, the emperor has ordered that all prisoners be killed after they're captured. The prison was the largest in the city, with over a hundred prisoners. The commander of the North hasn't been able to see her yet, so he can only check one prisoner at a time. But the commander is sure that she's dead.
Now that the emperor hates Yu's father, he's going to hate Yu even more. He's also going to be even more cruel to him when he learns that his mother has died because of the way she looked at him when they were at the pagoda. So, the emperor has ordered that all prisoners be killed after they're captured. The prison was the largest in the city, with over a hundred prisoners. The commander of the North hasn't been able to see her yet, so he can only check one prisoner at a time. But the commander is sure that she's dead.