We learn that the emperor has arrived at Shahua's yard, and that the commander has been watching him closely. The commander asks the emperor if anyone has been to the yard recently, and the emperor tells him that no one can enter the yard. He also tells the commander that he has learned to lie. The emperor asks the commander if he is worried about the emperor's whereabouts, and he says that he is. He then tells the emperor that dai-rou has been bored in the yard for a long time, so he invited her to stay with him for a while. He tells her that they will be gone for at least a month, so she should not be too worried about him. She agrees, and they go out for a walk.
We learn that the emperor has arrived at Shahua's yard, and that the commander has been watching him closely. The commander asks the emperor if anyone has been to the yard recently, and the emperor tells him that no one can enter the yard. He also tells the commander that he has learned to lie. The emperor asks the commander if he is worried about the emperor's whereabouts, and he says that he is. He then tells the emperor that dai-rou has been bored in the yard for a long time, so he invited her to stay with him for a while. He tells her that they will be gone for at least a month, so she should not be too worried about him. She agrees, and they go out for a walk.