In this short scene, the emperor tells the queen that he has ordered the army to attack the north side of the Yellow River in order to save the empire. The army arrives at the northern shore of the river in a few days, and the emperor has no idea what will happen to them. The emperor is annoyed that the queen does not pay him a visit, since he has nothing to do in the river. He tells her that the river flow is gentle, and if normal people wanted to cross it, they would go to one of the two sections where the water is gentle. He says that the news of the attack was spread all over the palace, and that he hated the emperor for keeping him alive. He adds that he will fulfill all the queen's wishes, even if he wants to visit him. The king says that he just wants to find the whereabouts of his mom, but he has to go to the next door. The two brothers were once brothers, but now they are not worthy of each other. The man who has the laugh is the emperor, who won the war by dirty tricks, and who still gloats. The person who is worthy of being his brother is the king, who will never forget the man who defeated him.
In this short scene, the emperor tells the queen that he has ordered the army to attack the north side of the Yellow River in order to save the empire. The army arrives at the northern shore of the river in a few days, and the emperor has no idea what will happen to them. The emperor is annoyed that the queen does not pay him a visit, since he has nothing to do in the river. He tells her that the river flow is gentle, and if normal people wanted to cross it, they would go to one of the two sections where the water is gentle. He says that the news of the attack was spread all over the palace, and that he hated the emperor for keeping him alive. He adds that he will fulfill all the queen's wishes, even if he wants to visit him. The king says that he just wants to find the whereabouts of his mom, but he has to go to the next door. The two brothers were once brothers, but now they are not worthy of each other. The man who has the laugh is the emperor, who won the war by dirty tricks, and who still gloats. The person who is worthy of being his brother is the king, who will never forget the man who defeated him.