In the palace, the emperor tells his attendants that he has just rested for several days. He thanks them for taking good care of him. He tells them that they are hurrying to find his mother, and that he did not find her master. He asks them to hurry back to the palace to find out if the emperor is still alive. He says that he was in a coma for three days, and they rushed to the capital to tell the emperor what had happened. The emperor tells them to wait for him in the imperial palace until he is better, and then he will tell them what has happened
In the palace, the emperor tells his attendants that he has just rested for several days. He thanks them for taking good care of him. He tells them that they are hurrying to find his mother, and that he did not find her master. He asks them to hurry back to the palace to find out if the emperor is still alive. He says that he was in a coma for three days, and they rushed to the capital to tell the emperor what had happened. The emperor tells them to wait for him in the imperial palace until he is better, and then he will tell them what has happened