The governess tells her daughter that she is so cute, but that it will be difficult for her to marry her father. She tells her that her father once loved her mother, but now he is constantly saying that he hates her. She asks why he is so interested in her, and he says that he has told her the story about her and her brother. The governess says that she does not hate him, and that he is different from her brother because he is more aggressive. She says that no matter how far they have been apart, her heart beats fast when she sees him and that she knows for sure that she loves him.
The governess tells her daughter that she is so cute, but that it will be difficult for her to marry her father. She tells her that her father once loved her mother, but now he is constantly saying that he hates her. She asks why he is so interested in her, and he says that he has told her the story about her and her brother. The governess says that she does not hate him, and that he is different from her brother because he is more aggressive. She says that no matter how far they have been apart, her heart beats fast when she sees him and that she knows for sure that she loves him.