In this chapter, we learn that Lilith is now the queen's protector, and that she is the daughter of an angel. Lilith tells her son that he is a "look-oner" to the world and that he cannot be friends with anyone. He tells her that she has been with her mom on this mission because she was a "child of angel" and that this mission was her mom's mission. She tells him to take care of himself and wait for the "divine will" to awaken again. She warns him that it is tricky to dismantle the rings on his back and to control his magic so that he does not release too much of his power. He says that he will use his magic power to minimize the amount of power that he releases.
In this chapter, we learn that Lilith is now the queen's protector, and that she is the daughter of an angel. Lilith tells her son that he is a "look-oner" to the world and that he cannot be friends with anyone. He tells her that she has been with her mom on this mission because she was a "child of angel" and that this mission was her mom's mission. She tells him to take care of himself and wait for the "divine will" to awaken again. She warns him that it is tricky to dismantle the rings on his back and to control his magic so that he does not release too much of his power. He says that he will use his magic power to minimize the amount of power that he releases.