The Governess tells the Governess to stop using magic at school. She tells her that if she continues to use magic, she will corrode her body gradually. She also tells her not to move the gly , which is a symbol of evil, because it will cause harm to the people who use it. She says that she was not trying to murder her, but rather that it was all her fall, and that everyone is fine. They go back to the dance, and the little boy who begged the Mistress at the beginning of the dance begs her again, asking her to dance with him. She refuses, saying that she must have forgotten their first meeting.
The Governess tells the Governess to stop using magic at school. She tells her that if she continues to use magic, she will corrode her body gradually. She also tells her not to move the gly , which is a symbol of evil, because it will cause harm to the people who use it. She says that she was not trying to murder her, but rather that it was all her fall, and that everyone is fine. They go back to the dance, and the little boy who begged the Mistress at the beginning of the dance begs her again, asking her to dance with him. She refuses, saying that she must have forgotten their first meeting.