Starving Anonymous • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-868828
Starving Anonymous • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-909183
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the narrator tells us that he is now in his third year of high school and that he lives with his mother, his father, and his brother. He has a crush on a girl named nakamoto, who is in the school's volleyball team, but he still doesn't tell her about it. The narrator asks the girl if she is cute, and the girl says that she is, but that she prefers long hair to short hair. He tells the girl that he turned six and that this year he turned seven, which means that he's now a teenager.
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Starving Anonymous • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-868828
Starving Anonymous • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-909183
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the narrator tells us that he is now in his third year of high school and that he lives with his mother, his father, and his brother. He has a crush on a girl named nakamoto, who is in the school's volleyball team, but he still doesn't tell her about it. The narrator asks the girl if she is cute, and the girl says that she is, but that she prefers long hair to short hair. He tells the girl that he turned six and that this year he turned seven, which means that he's now a teenager.
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