When the men arrive at the brothel, they find that the prostitutes have been drugged and are on their way to the dump. When they ask the women how old they think they are, they are told that they are eighteen and that they have been "pumped out over twenty" . They also learn that the woman is on "enough aphrodisiacs" to keep her "horny 24/7 stroke stacked" , and that she has one more pregnancy before she is "scrapped" of the sex trade. The men wonder where they can find a way out of the brothel.
When the men arrive at the brothel, they find that the prostitutes have been drugged and are on their way to the dump. When they ask the women how old they think they are, they are told that they are eighteen and that they have been "pumped out over twenty" . They also learn that the woman is on "enough aphrodisiacs" to keep her "horny 24/7 stroke stacked" , and that she has one more pregnancy before she is "scrapped" of the sex trade. The men wonder where they can find a way out of the brothel.