The scene opens with a young porn star talking about a "monster horse penis" . He's about to become a "porn star" , but he can't stop talking about it. He wants to know what the heck he's talking about. The young man tells him that he'll have to "bang chicks every day" if he wants to be a sex star. The girl is all, "shut up, youdickwad !" . The doctor tells the young man that he needs to have sex with a "sebastian," which is a fancy term for a penis attached to an animal's body. He says that if the sex is too intense, the body won't be able to regulate the flow of blood back to the sex organ. The sex organ is a giant, blood-filled organ that needs to be protected from the elements. So the doctor suggests that the sex should be performed with a sebastian, but the sex star wants to go ahead and do it anyway.
The scene opens with a young porn star talking about a "monster horse penis" . He's about to become a "porn star" , but he can't stop talking about it. He wants to know what the heck he's talking about. The young man tells him that he'll have to "bang chicks every day" if he wants to be a sex star. The girl is all, "shut up, youdickwad !" . The doctor tells the young man that he needs to have sex with a "sebastian," which is a fancy term for a penis attached to an animal's body. He says that if the sex is too intense, the body won't be able to regulate the flow of blood back to the sex organ. The sex organ is a giant, blood-filled organ that needs to be protected from the elements. So the doctor suggests that the sex should be performed with a sebastian, but the sex star wants to go ahead and do it anyway.