Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 55 • Page ik-page-5151078
Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 55 • Page ik-page-5117980
Chapter 55
This is a locked chapterChapter 55
About This Chapter
Ambu lances have left the scene and are approaching the hospital. The car is almost completely submerged. Only the roof of the car is visible. The man who saved Professor Miwa breaks the window and saves the professor. The woman who was struck is un conscious. The police report that the woman is slightly injured, but the man is not seriously injured. They are taken to the general hospital. The doctor gives the man a complete examination and gives him no life-threatening injuries.
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Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 55 • Page ik-page-5151078
Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 55 • Page ik-page-5117980
Chapter 55
This is a locked chapterChapter 55
About This Chapter
Ambu lances have left the scene and are approaching the hospital. The car is almost completely submerged. Only the roof of the car is visible. The man who saved Professor Miwa breaks the window and saves the professor. The woman who was struck is un conscious. The police report that the woman is slightly injured, but the man is not seriously injured. They are taken to the general hospital. The doctor gives the man a complete examination and gives him no life-threatening injuries.
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