Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-5151019
Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-5117550
Chapter 12
This is a locked chapterChapter 12
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young narrator flirts with his bear, like a boyfriend and a member of the elite society that he will one day become. He tells his bear that if he were Dr. Miwa's real father, why is he acting like he's special just because he works at a university? The young narrator tells the bear that he is not going to play dumb with his friends today, because he has a real relationship with his friend's father. The narrator tells his friend that he has known the doctor for four years, and that he knows that the doctor is just a boyfriend for Miss Nahachi. He says that if they fight, he will clean his clock, and he will never give up on his love for his friend.
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Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-5151019
Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-5117550
Chapter 12
This is a locked chapterChapter 12
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young narrator flirts with his bear, like a boyfriend and a member of the elite society that he will one day become. He tells his bear that if he were Dr. Miwa's real father, why is he acting like he's special just because he works at a university? The young narrator tells the bear that he is not going to play dumb with his friends today, because he has a real relationship with his friend's father. The narrator tells his friend that he has known the doctor for four years, and that he knows that the doctor is just a boyfriend for Miss Nahachi. He says that if they fight, he will clean his clock, and he will never give up on his love for his friend.
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