Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 24 • Page ik-page-5151042
Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 24 • Page ik-page-5117672
Chapter 24
This is a locked chapterChapter 24
About This Chapter
Back at school, Rinehart is having a smoke. He's thinking about how he's going to get a job. He notices that the other students are talking about how sexy it is to be a student in a "suit" , and he tells her that it's a bad idea for her to be in such a class. He tells her to stop talking about sex so much, because it'll make her student less moral and more likely to cheat on her tests. He also tells her not to talk about sex in front of other students because it will make them feel bad about cheating on their tests.
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Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 24 • Page ik-page-5151042
Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 24 • Page ik-page-5117672
Chapter 24
This is a locked chapterChapter 24
About This Chapter
Back at school, Rinehart is having a smoke. He's thinking about how he's going to get a job. He notices that the other students are talking about how sexy it is to be a student in a "suit" , and he tells her that it's a bad idea for her to be in such a class. He tells her to stop talking about sex so much, because it'll make her student less moral and more likely to cheat on her tests. He also tells her not to talk about sex in front of other students because it will make them feel bad about cheating on their tests.
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