Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-5151051
Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-5117730
Chapter 30
This is a locked chapterChapter 30
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Roxane tries to flirt with her bear, but she can't seem to get it off her mind. She's worried that she's flirting with someone who's not a good match for her. Roxane tells Roxane that she has two jobs to worry about: one is at a cafe, where she works with religious women, and the other is at the convenience store where Roxane works with other women. She notices that the women are wearing religious clothes, and she runs off to get them.
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Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-5151051
Flirting With My Bear-Like Boyfriend • Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-5117730
Chapter 30
This is a locked chapterChapter 30
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Roxane tries to flirt with her bear, but she can't seem to get it off her mind. She's worried that she's flirting with someone who's not a good match for her. Roxane tells Roxane that she has two jobs to worry about: one is at a cafe, where she works with religious women, and the other is at the convenience store where Roxane works with other women. She notices that the women are wearing religious clothes, and she runs off to get them.
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