In this short scene, the four young people are introduced to each other. They are introduced as "ding dongs" , or "friends," and as "four-year-olds" . One of the young people, Nemo, is playing with his friend, Hiroyuki, who is four years older than the other three. The other two, Nemo's friend and Hiroyuki's sister, are also playing with each other, and they are called "ba" and "oump ba," or "dump and dump up," respectively. The young people try to cheer each other up, but they are interrupted by the sound of someone's voice, which they call "ba- oump ba." The narrator tells them that they are all right, and that Nemo is playing a game of hide-and-seek with Hiroyuki. When Nemo realizes that he is being watched, he cries out, "What's wrong?" , and the other two try to comfort him, but he is unable to do so. The narrator, however, is able to soothe him by telling him that he can go home if he wants, and he can talk to