In this chapter, we learn that the protagonist of the novel is a young man named Heijin, who has been living with his uncle in Shanghai for the past few years. He tells his uncle that he is in love with him, and that he wants to marry her. He also tells the uncle that the two of them are in the process of starting a family together. The uncle tells him that he will be coming to pick him up at the end of the day, and the protagonist tells him to go ahead and marry him.
In this chapter, we learn that the protagonist of the novel is a young man named Heijin, who has been living with his uncle in Shanghai for the past few years. He tells his uncle that he is in love with him, and that he wants to marry her. He also tells the uncle that the two of them are in the process of starting a family together. The uncle tells him that he will be coming to pick him up at the end of the day, and the protagonist tells him to go ahead and marry him.