In this short scene, a young woman named Amei tries to persuade her brother, Xiaohua, to stop following him. She tells him that she has never been to the neighborhood where he lives, and that he is living alone and does not even wash his clothes. Amei tells the young woman that she should visit him and learn more, as it is not good for him. The young woman tells her that she is nervous, as she has not been to his house before, and wonders why he is so nervous. He tells her he has been working out, and asks her if she would like to have dinner with him. When she tells him she is still in her school uniform, he tells her she is his type, and they will talk about the matter until she graduates from high school
In this short scene, a young woman named Amei tries to persuade her brother, Xiaohua, to stop following him. She tells him that she has never been to the neighborhood where he lives, and that he is living alone and does not even wash his clothes. Amei tells the young woman that she should visit him and learn more, as it is not good for him. The young woman tells her that she is nervous, as she has not been to his house before, and wonders why he is so nervous. He tells her he has been working out, and asks her if she would like to have dinner with him. When she tells him she is still in her school uniform, he tells her she is his type, and they will talk about the matter until she graduates from high school