It's late, and the girl is in a dream. She wants to know why her boyfriend pushed her away from him. He's got a thousand faces on him, and she's sure he had an erection while he was watching the tape. She's not joking, and he's laughing at her. The girl wants to leave, but she can't get away from the guy who's waiting for her in the living room. The guy who pushed her out of the room is laughing at the girl's joke, but the girl doesn't care. She just wants to be left alone. She can hear the voice of the guy in the room, and it's the same voice she heard in the dream. He asks her to open a Twitter account and follow him on Twitter. He wants her to follow him back on Twitter, too. She does, and then she realizes that she just had a dream about the guy she was with last night.
It's late, and the girl is in a dream. She wants to know why her boyfriend pushed her away from him. He's got a thousand faces on him, and she's sure he had an erection while he was watching the tape. She's not joking, and he's laughing at her. The girl wants to leave, but she can't get away from the guy who's waiting for her in the living room. The guy who pushed her out of the room is laughing at the girl's joke, but the girl doesn't care. She just wants to be left alone. She can hear the voice of the guy in the room, and it's the same voice she heard in the dream. He asks her to open a Twitter account and follow him on Twitter. He wants her to follow him back on Twitter, too. She does, and then she realizes that she just had a dream about the guy she was with last night.