In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character named "Pitter-Pitter," who is a friend of our protagonist's boyfriend, "Xiaohua." We learn that the two have been lovers for two years, and that they have had an affair. We are also introduced to "Senior-Yeuyi," who has just graduated from high school, and who has not been able to attend class because of his "irregular" attendance. The pitter-pitter tells the protagonist that he has heard that someone has arranged a job for him, but that he does not tell his "loved one" about the good news. The protagonist, however, is not satisfied with this news, and he tells the pitter to "get me one too," as he has been away for two weeks. He tells his friend that he is happy that his "affair was settled," and that he also took revenge on "xiaohua" for betraying him. He then tells the story of how he found out about the affair, and how he plans to go back to his lover, who betrayed him, and take revenge on him.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character named "Pitter-Pitter," who is a friend of our protagonist's boyfriend, "Xiaohua." We learn that the two have been lovers for two years, and that they have had an affair. We are also introduced to "Senior-Yeuyi," who has just graduated from high school, and who has not been able to attend class because of his "irregular" attendance. The pitter-pitter tells the protagonist that he has heard that someone has arranged a job for him, but that he does not tell his "loved one" about the good news. The protagonist, however, is not satisfied with this news, and he tells the pitter to "get me one too," as he has been away for two weeks. He tells his friend that he is happy that his "affair was settled," and that he also took revenge on "xiaohua" for betraying him. He then tells the story of how he found out about the affair, and how he plans to go back to his lover, who betrayed him, and take revenge on him.