In this short scene, a young man named Zheyu tells the director of his upcoming film, "Sword Fate," that he has a crush on the director. The director, however, is not interested in the young man's story. He is interested only in the plot of the film, which is set in ancient China. The young man, who does not want to be identified by his first name, tells the man that he is in love with the director and wishes to see him in person
In this short scene, a young man named Zheyu tells the director of his upcoming film, "Sword Fate," that he has a crush on the director. The director, however, is not interested in the young man's story. He is interested only in the plot of the film, which is set in ancient China. The young man, who does not want to be identified by his first name, tells the man that he is in love with the director and wishes to see him in person