The scene opens with a young man named Yunke, who is in love with a rich man named Ju Xiaohua. The young man tells Yunke that he has just started acting in a movie and that he is not an agent. Yunke tells the young man that he should not worry about his acting because he will be able to do it himself. He also tells her that he will arrange for her to work for him and advertise for him. The scene ends with Yunke's mother-in-law, sister-feifei, arriving to pick up Yunke from the movie set. She tells him that the scene will be the first time that Yunke has seen an acting scene.
The scene opens with a young man named Yunke, who is in love with a rich man named Ju Xiaohua. The young man tells Yunke that he has just started acting in a movie and that he is not an agent. Yunke tells the young man that he should not worry about his acting because he will be able to do it himself. He also tells her that he will arrange for her to work for him and advertise for him. The scene ends with Yunke's mother-in-law, sister-feifei, arriving to pick up Yunke from the movie set. She tells him that the scene will be the first time that Yunke has seen an acting scene.