In this short scene, we meet the protagonist of the novel "The Legend of Sword and Stricture of Fate" , who has just returned from a trip to Hong Kong. We learn that the novel was adapted into a movie by a company called "Yang's," which is based in China. The protagonist tells us that he has heard of the movie and is very excited about it. He is also excited about the fact that the protagonist will be able to watch the movie with his friend, who is also an international star.
In this short scene, we meet the protagonist of the novel "The Legend of Sword and Stricture of Fate" , who has just returned from a trip to Hong Kong. We learn that the novel was adapted into a movie by a company called "Yang's," which is based in China. The protagonist tells us that he has heard of the movie and is very excited about it. He is also excited about the fact that the protagonist will be able to watch the movie with his friend, who is also an international star.