In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, a junior high student named Xiaohua. He is in the middle of eating lunch with his friends when he is interrupted by the pitter patter of his boss. The pitter tells him that his father is out of town and that it is better for him to save money by buying an "insulated lunch box" . He tells his boss that he is still proud of his father and hopes that his parents will be happy if he comes to stay with them. He then goes on to say that he has been the reason why people live and that he will leave after finishing his lunch to think about his life. He asks his boss to hurry up and tell him that he still has to buy an "inexpensive lunch box," but the boss tells him to go ahead and do so. When he tells him this, he is surprised to learn that the protagonist is not interested in buying an expensive lunch box.
In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, a junior high student named Xiaohua. He is in the middle of eating lunch with his friends when he is interrupted by the pitter patter of his boss. The pitter tells him that his father is out of town and that it is better for him to save money by buying an "insulated lunch box" . He tells his boss that he is still proud of his father and hopes that his parents will be happy if he comes to stay with them. He then goes on to say that he has been the reason why people live and that he will leave after finishing his lunch to think about his life. He asks his boss to hurry up and tell him that he still has to buy an "inexpensive lunch box," but the boss tells him to go ahead and do so. When he tells him this, he is surprised to learn that the protagonist is not interested in buying an expensive lunch box.