In this short scene, the protagonist is introduced to his new lover, who is named "Xiaohua" . He is a young man of about twenty-two years old. He has a crush on the protagonist's older brother, "Juxuan," who is also a member of the company that is planning to film a new drama. The protagonist, however, is not interested in the new drama, because he has an "ideal girl" to play the role. He does not want to discuss his former girlfriend, because she was a senior in high school when he had sex for the first time. He tells the protagonist not to praise his ex-lover, because it will only lead to "cold war" or even the breakup of their relationship.
In this short scene, the protagonist is introduced to his new lover, who is named "Xiaohua" . He is a young man of about twenty-two years old. He has a crush on the protagonist's older brother, "Juxuan," who is also a member of the company that is planning to film a new drama. The protagonist, however, is not interested in the new drama, because he has an "ideal girl" to play the role. He does not want to discuss his former girlfriend, because she was a senior in high school when he had sex for the first time. He tells the protagonist not to praise his ex-lover, because it will only lead to "cold war" or even the breakup of their relationship.