The next morning, the emperor scolds his wife, who he calls "the princess consort," for being so annoying. He tells her to get up and leave the room. He then tells her that he likes her because she has "some street smart" . The emperor then asks her to play a game of chess with him. She tells him that she likes him because he is handsome and carefree. She also says that she admires his son, Lu zhiling, and that many girls in the city admire him as well. She says that although prosperity is a good thing, she doesn't want her family's legacy to be ruined by her son's marriage. She then tells him to stop trying to "break through" her and to make the emperor give up on the marriage.
The next morning, the emperor scolds his wife, who he calls "the princess consort," for being so annoying. He tells her to get up and leave the room. He then tells her that he likes her because she has "some street smart" . The emperor then asks her to play a game of chess with him. She tells him that she likes him because he is handsome and carefree. She also says that she admires his son, Lu zhiling, and that many girls in the city admire him as well. She says that although prosperity is a good thing, she doesn't want her family's legacy to be ruined by her son's marriage. She then tells him to stop trying to "break through" her and to make the emperor give up on the marriage.