The next morning, the king and his attendants return to the palace. The king tells the attendants that he has to go to the south-land palace because of the unrest there. He tells them that the palace has been destroyed, but that the people of the south are still loyal to him and his rule. He says that the royal highness is getting married, and that they are planning to get married before winter arrives. He asks the empress and the emperor to be on their guard, as they might not approve of the idea of the king marrying his daughter-in-law. He also asks his grandma to cancel the wedding without consulting him first.
The next morning, the king and his attendants return to the palace. The king tells the attendants that he has to go to the south-land palace because of the unrest there. He tells them that the palace has been destroyed, but that the people of the south are still loyal to him and his rule. He says that the royal highness is getting married, and that they are planning to get married before winter arrives. He asks the empress and the emperor to be on their guard, as they might not approve of the idea of the king marrying his daughter-in-law. He also asks his grandma to cancel the wedding without consulting him first.