The next day, the king and his wife arrive at the palace. The king asks the wife how she raised the son of the king's mistress. She says that the king raised her son as a cheater. She asks the king how he raised his son to be such a cheater, and the king says that he raised him to be a good person. He tells her that he has apologized to her, and she says that she would have no more dealings with the princess consort if he had not apologized. She tells the king that a few days before, the princess's nephew had seen the princess draw a fortune and give it to the king, but the princess did not take the fortune from the container. She gave the fortune to the prince, who gave it to her as a gift.
The next day, the king and his wife arrive at the palace. The king asks the wife how she raised the son of the king's mistress. She says that the king raised her son as a cheater. She asks the king how he raised his son to be such a cheater, and the king says that he raised him to be a good person. He tells her that he has apologized to her, and she says that she would have no more dealings with the princess consort if he had not apologized. She tells the king that a few days before, the princess's nephew had seen the princess draw a fortune and give it to the king, but the princess did not take the fortune from the container. She gave the fortune to the prince, who gave it to her as a gift.