In the east palace, the emperor's wife, the Empress Dowager, is waiting for her son, who has come to pay his respects to the emperor. The empress tells the boy that if his highness reaches the empress, he will be summoned to the palace. The boy is shocked and asks his father to tell her that he is coming to pay respects. When the father refuses, the boy tells him that he was forced to drink medicine by the emperor because he did not want to drink the medicine. The father is furious and tells his son that he has drawn two identical fortunes.
In the east palace, the emperor's wife, the Empress Dowager, is waiting for her son, who has come to pay his respects to the emperor. The empress tells the boy that if his highness reaches the empress, he will be summoned to the palace. The boy is shocked and asks his father to tell her that he is coming to pay respects. When the father refuses, the boy tells him that he was forced to drink medicine by the emperor because he did not want to drink the medicine. The father is furious and tells his son that he has drawn two identical fortunes.