When the palace is on fire, the royal highness orders the doctor to come to the palace immediately. He tells the young lady that the princess is fine and that he will take care of her. The young lady asks the doctor if the patient has been poisoned by the shadow guards of the south. The doctor says that the patient is only alive because she has a stream of blood that is accepted by her body. He says that getting rid of the poison from her system will be difficult, but that they can use the blood from the king of the Southland to do so.
When the palace is on fire, the royal highness orders the doctor to come to the palace immediately. He tells the young lady that the princess is fine and that he will take care of her. The young lady asks the doctor if the patient has been poisoned by the shadow guards of the south. The doctor says that the patient is only alive because she has a stream of blood that is accepted by her body. He says that getting rid of the poison from her system will be difficult, but that they can use the blood from the king of the Southland to do so.