In this short scene, Tommo reveals that he's been keeping a close eye on Hiroshige, who's in hiding. He's also been keeping an eye on Akasuma, who he thinks is a new recruit to the Aterli gang. Tommo says he'd like to see them both inside the community, since they're both "fit pats" and "low ai" . He wants to know what's going on, since he doesn't want to see any of his stepson's "weird as it is," but he also wants to make sure that Hirohige isn't hanging out with a bunch of other guys. He also wants Hirohito to know that he loves him, and that he can't stand the sight of him without his "sexy arms" around him.
In this short scene, Tommo reveals that he's been keeping a close eye on Hiroshige, who's in hiding. He's also been keeping an eye on Akasuma, who he thinks is a new recruit to the Aterli gang. Tommo says he'd like to see them both inside the community, since they're both "fit pats" and "low ai" . He wants to know what's going on, since he doesn't want to see any of his stepson's "weird as it is," but he also wants to make sure that Hirohige isn't hanging out with a bunch of other guys. He also wants Hirohito to know that he loves him, and that he can't stand the sight of him without his "sexy arms" around him.