We meet the young master, who has been poisoned with a dream. He's still able to fight. The only one who can subdue him is the chief. The young master tells the chief that the city is full of people from his village. He says that he's willing to pay the doctor's expenses, but he doesn't want to take any decisions on his behalf. The master asks the doctor why he didn't find the white powder he asked for. The owner of the pharmacy told him that there might still be some stock in the market, but no one knows where the market is. This is troublesome, the master says, since assassins from an organization in there might be exposed. He also says that a'cheng's red hair is being hunted down in the village. It's impossible to find the market in his place. He coughs and says that the poison is taking effect now. A'cheng is taking a medicated bath. The threads of the poison have turned black. They must hurry to finish the antidote ASAP. The boss asks the master if he can be proficient in disguise as well. The art of disguise is the same as the art of making the antidote. He asks the boss if there's a connection between the two. The white powder that the master needs to make is only found in the Black Market. He explains that his reputation was bad in his early years and he'
We meet the young master, who has been poisoned with a dream. He's still able to fight. The only one who can subdue him is the chief. The young master tells the chief that the city is full of people from his village. He says that he's willing to pay the doctor's expenses, but he doesn't want to take any decisions on his behalf. The master asks the doctor why he didn't find the white powder he asked for. The owner of the pharmacy told him that there might still be some stock in the market, but no one knows where the market is. This is troublesome, the master says, since assassins from an organization in there might be exposed. He also says that a'cheng's red hair is being hunted down in the village. It's impossible to find the market in his place. He coughs and says that the poison is taking effect now. A'cheng is taking a medicated bath. The threads of the poison have turned black. They must hurry to finish the antidote ASAP. The boss asks the master if he can be proficient in disguise as well. The art of disguise is the same as the art of making the antidote. He asks the boss if there's a connection between the two. The white powder that the master needs to make is only found in the Black Market. He explains that his reputation was bad in his early years and he'