In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman who has just returned from a trip to the zoo with her parents. The young woman, who we learn is named Lin-Ling, is in love with her father, who is a dentist. She and her father are on their way back from the zoo when they run into a group of people who recognize them as the parents of a boy they have just met at the zoo. They are shocked to see the young couple kissing, and the young woman tells the group that she and the boy have been secretly dating for some time.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman who has just returned from a trip to the zoo with her parents. The young woman, who we learn is named Lin-Ling, is in love with her father, who is a dentist. She and her father are on their way back from the zoo when they run into a group of people who recognize them as the parents of a boy they have just met at the zoo. They are shocked to see the young couple kissing, and the young woman tells the group that she and the boy have been secretly dating for some time.