Young master lin tells Miss Xiu'er that she's getting better and better at her violin playing. He's also worried that they're going to have to leave the next day, since he's such a big blockhead. He tells her that he knows her itinerary, but that he doesn't even show up to see her off. She's so beautiful, he tells her, that he wants to share a drink with her, but she won't let him in. He asks her to pull down her veil and let him look at her face, and he'll report her to the authorities if she continues harassing them. The young master then tells us that Miss Xue has gone missing, and that he was waiting on her when she was resting the other day. She has never been out much, he says, but yesterday, they bumped into a lecherous man on their way back from the marketplace. He says that he threatened to make the man pay, but the man looked like he wasn't from the center of the country. He looks like a foreigner with a nose and eyes that are clearly foreign. He also tells us about a dog that he found in the marketplace, and the young master says that the dog is as intelligent as a human being, but it can't talk. He goes on to say that the place is a "hell" because Miss Xu'er has committed suicide. She committed suicide because she didn't want to be left out of trouble. She was just a performer.
Young master lin tells Miss Xiu'er that she's getting better and better at her violin playing. He's also worried that they're going to have to leave the next day, since he's such a big blockhead. He tells her that he knows her itinerary, but that he doesn't even show up to see her off. She's so beautiful, he tells her, that he wants to share a drink with her, but she won't let him in. He asks her to pull down her veil and let him look at her face, and he'll report her to the authorities if she continues harassing them. The young master then tells us that Miss Xue has gone missing, and that he was waiting on her when she was resting the other day. She has never been out much, he says, but yesterday, they bumped into a lecherous man on their way back from the marketplace. He says that he threatened to make the man pay, but the man looked like he wasn't from the center of the country. He looks like a foreigner with a nose and eyes that are clearly foreign. He also tells us about a dog that he found in the marketplace, and the young master says that the dog is as intelligent as a human being, but it can't talk. He goes on to say that the place is a "hell" because Miss Xu'er has committed suicide. She committed suicide because she didn't want to be left out of trouble. She was just a performer.